Merge PDF documents in your Zapier workflows

Secure and reliable merge PDF actions built for businesses and power users, fully integrated with Zapier.

Merge PDF documents in your Zapier workflows
Merge PDF documents in your Zapier workflows

The building blocks

A growing collection of PDF actions you can integrate to your workflow in minutes.

Cube icon

Merge documents

Combine multiple PDF documents into a single PDF document.

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Add password

Protect a PDF document with a password to prevent unauthorized access.

Cube icon

Add text watermark

Add a text watermark to a PDF document. Choose one of many watermark templates.

Cube icon

Add image watermark

Add an image watermark to a PDF document.

Cube icon

Extract pages

Extract one or more pages from a PDF document.


Security First

The transmission of your documents is protected with enterprise-grade encryption, and we never ever store your documents.

PDF Blocks Security →


We offer a 99.99% service-level agreement backed by our highly-available architecture with six datacenters on two continents.

Historic uptime →

Data Residency

Choose to handle your documents exclusively in servers located in Europe or in the US to comply with data location requirements.

High Throughput

Built for heavy-duty use, our load-balanced infrastructure can handle thousands of documents per second.

Blazing Fast

Over 95% of all PDF documents we process are ready in less than one second. Most are done in less than 100 ms.

Direct Support

You get direct access to the engineers who built the product. We value your time, so we give precise and actionable answers.